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Can't find what you are looking for? Do you have questions about the tools and resources below, or would like more detail?
Don't hesitate to reach out to us today, we're happy to help!


From the Government of Canada: Benefits to help Canadians and businesses facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Manulife Vitality

We want you to live your longest, healthiest life. That’s why there’s Manulife Vitality - a program that can reward you for all of the little things you do to stay healthy. Learn more



Manulife Logo

For more information on Manulife, visit www.manulife.ca

Group Benefits Online

Manulife group benefits plan members can now submit their claims online.


Group Retirement Online

Manulife group retirement members can log in to their account here.


Manulife's Mobile App

The only app you need to manage your Group Benefits and Group Retirement plans with Manulife.

Click to go to the Google Play Store to download the Manulife Mobile app. Click to go to the Apple Store to download the Manulife Mobile app.

Manulife Bank Logo

For more information on Manulife Bank, visit www.manulifebank.ca

Manulife Bank Accounts

Find the account that’s right for you. Bank with confidence through one of the Manulife Bank accounts.


Internet Banking Login

Manulife Bank provides its customers access to their bank accounts 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.


Manulife Bank Mobile

Deposit cheques at work, pay bills at the store, and send money without leaving home. Download the Manulife Bank app today.

Click to go to the Google Play Store to download the Manulife Mobile app. Click to go to the Apple Store to download the Manulife Mobile app.

Manulife Bank deposit rates are subject to change. Visit manulifebank.ca/rates for additional details. Manulife Bank of Canada is a member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Government of Canada

For more information on the Government of Canada, visit www.canada.ca - The official website of the Government of Canada

My Service Canada Account

Apply, view and update your information for Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPP-D) and Old Age Security (OAS) .

Sign in to My Service account ↗

CRA My Account

My Account is a secure portal that lets you view your personal income tax and benefit information and manage your tax affairs online.

Sign in to CRA My Account ↗

CRA My Business Accountt

My Business Account is a secure online portal that provides an opportunity to interact electronically with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on various business accounts.

Sign in to My Business account ↗

*Some of the content through these links may be subject to the copyright of another party. Where information has been produced or copyright is not held by the Government of Canada, the materials are protected under the Copyright Act, and international agreements. Information posted by the Government of Canada is subject to the Copyright Act.


Built on the most precise calculation engine in the financial planning market, NaviPlan® empowers you to tailor every planning strategy from simple goal-based assessments to advanced cash flow planning analysis. Generate a custom report, and email it to us to start customizing your plan today!

Sign In to NaviPlan Client Portal ↗

Naviplan Retirement Tool

Retirement Assessment

No matter how you envision your retirement, the best way to make it a reality is to develop a plan and stick to it. We can help.

Use the Retirement tool ↗

Naviplan Major Purchase Tool

Major Purchase Assessment

Planning details for your projected major purchases will help estimate the cost and the amount of savings you will need.

Use the Major Purchase tool ↗

Naviplan Education Tool

Education Assessment

Do your homework. How will you ensure that you or your children can continue to focus on school rather than how to pay for it? 

Use the Education tool ↗


We are here to help. Contact us to help explain your results and what they mean for your situation.

InsureRight Needs Calculator ↗

Use your information to decide how much insurance you may need.

InsureRight Quick Quote ↗

Find out how much insurance you may want for your needs.

Budget Planner ↗

Create your budget and receive personalized tips to improve your finances.

Mortgage Calculator ↗

Determine what you can afford, and estimate what your expected payments may be.

Financial Goal Tool ↗

Calculate how to pay down your debt and reach your savings goals.

Retirement Income Calculator ↗

A step-by-step calculator to help  estimate your retirement income, employer pensions and more.

Retirement Savings Calculator ↗

Find out how much you will need to save and if you're on track for your savings goal.

Tax-free Savings Calculator ↗

See how your savings can grow much more quickly inside a TFSA than in a taxable investment.

*Calculators will open in a new tab. These calculators are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as an accurate indication of your financial retirement needs. As each individual’s situation is different and changes over time, the results are limited by the accuracy of the assumptions you make in providing the information used in the calculation. I (we) do not guarantee that these calculators are reliable, accurate or complete or that they will be compatible with your computer.



The Canada child benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.

With everything going on, you may be thinking about your coverage … so we thought we’d take a minute to talk about how insurance works.